My Popular Minecraft Posts

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Top 5 minecraft premium servers

Here are the top 5 premuim servers for minecraft:

Mineplex is the most played premium server.
Almost every user plays here.

2.  Nexus
If you want to play hunger games this is the server for you.

If you want to have party in minecraft then this server is for you.

What are a cowboy or an Indian. Choose your site and play on this server.

If you want an interesting hunger games well this is the place. But don't confuse it with Nexus.

Friday, January 2, 2015


In minecraft you can't just play on singleplayer only ,also you can play multiplayer .
But how???
If you want to play multiplayer follow the steps:
Start minecraft., go under the singleplayer, then you will find a button that says multiplayer.
That's the easy part.
You can't play multiplayer in the latest versions because some servers aren't updated for 1.8 version yet. You can still play multiplayer in the other versions under 1.8.
In minecraft there are premium servers and cracked servers. Premium servers are servers for players who buyed minecraft,but there is a solution for not buying minecraft and just downloading a cracked one and playing on cracked servers who are not rare ironically.

In the next post I will tell you the top 10 cracked and premium servers

Commands in Minecraft

In this post I will tell you about the commands in minecraft.
So you start by clicking the / key and then typing the command. So here they are:

All Players:
- /help : Brings up this help.
- /who : Shows the current players in the server.
- /me [action] (or *[action]) : Says that you do that action.
- /colors : Shows the rank and equivalent colors.
- /policy : Shows the World of Minecraft policies.
- /appeal : Shows how to file a Spectator Appeal.
- /tiles : Shows the tile names used by the server
- @[user] message: Sends a private message to a user
- - /w [user] message
- - /pm [user] message
- /respawn : Takes you to the spawn point
- /upgrade : Shows how to upgrade from guest to member.
- /spawn : Set your login spawn point to the current location.
- /[Tile] : Places special blocks:
- - [Tile] :[/solid /water /lava /gold /iron /coal /dstair ]
- /tp [user] : Teleport to user.
- /status [user] : See the current status of user. (only players of higher ranks can see your notes)
- /museum [Name] : Goes to archived map:
- - [Name : lakeview, riverside, seabreeze, (etc), exit]
- /lobby : takes you to the lobby (good for transitioning out of museums on a computer with low memory)
- /fill *
- /copy *
- /paste *
- /pyramid *
- /esolid *
- /rollback *
- /place *
- /grant [user] *
- /revoke [user] *
*assigned area only
- /fill [tile] [tile2]* : Fills a region with a certain tile.
- - *If [tile2] is used, it will only fill [tile] over instances of [tile2] in your selected area
- /copy [name] : Copies region into saved file.
- /paste [name] [direction] [flip] [offset] [trans] : Pastes region from saved file.
- - [direction : north, south, east west]
- - [flip : none, flipx, flipy]
- - [offset : number (vertical offset in pixels)]
- - [trans : none, trans (makes air transparent)]
- /mpaste [name] xyz : Pastes region from saved file using mpaste (more info here)
- /continuous [1:0] : Turns continuous pasting and filling on.
- /esolid tile [ solid : sphere ] : Creates an elliptical solid.
- /pyramid [tile] [1:0] : Creates a pyramid with tile.
- /place {tile} [x y z] : Places a tile at your feet or at x y z co-ordinates given.
- /member [user] [reason] : Set user to member status for the defined reason.
- /guest [user] [reason] : Set user to guest status for the defined reason.
- /probation [user] [hours] : Set user to probation status for the defined hours.
- /spectate [user] [reason] : Set user to spectator status for the defined reason.
- /note [user] [message] : Add a note to a user profile.
- /kick [user] : Kick a user from the server.
- /mute [user] : Mute a user for 60 seconds.
- /unmute [user] : Unmute a muted user.
- /silence [user] : Silence a user indefinitely.
- /unsilence [user] : Unsilence a silenced user.
- /bring [user] : Bring user to your location.
- /say [message]: Says message in red, for importance.
- /search [user] : Searches user on the website to see if they are registered.
- /a [message] (or /asay [message] or #[message]) : Talks in admin chat.
- /cloak [1:0] : Makes your player invisible (leaves a still clone wherever /cloak 1 was last used).
- /warn [user]: Prevents a user from building for 60 seconds.
- /unwarn [user]: Unwarns a user.
- /assign [user] : Protects a builder's land from other members.
- /unassign : Unassigns a user's area (You must be in the area).
- - /unassign [user]: Unassigns ALL areas of user.
- /whodid: (Click or Place block) Gets recent logs of that block.
- /monitor mode : Changes the mode and what you see.
- - [ Mode : noground , blank , reset ]
- /undo [user] : Undoes all recent changes by user.
- - /undo [user] preview: Previews what would happen if you used /undo with [user]. To exit, use /monitor exit.
- /replay [user] : Replays all recent changes by user.
- - /replay [user] preview: Previews what would happen if you used /replay with [user]. To exit, use /monitor exit.
- /rollback : Use if you want to revert mass changes.
- /ban [user] [reason] : Kick and ban a user+ip from the server (only applies to guest and spectator ranks)
- /moderator [user] [reason] : Set user to moderator rank for the defined reason.
- /undolastfill [user]: Undoes a user's last fill.
- /designer [user] [reason] : Set user to designer rank for the defined reason.
- /architect [user] [reason] : Set user to architect rank for the defined reason.
- /admin [user] [reason] : Set user to admin rank for the defined reason.
- /[Realtile] : Places realliquids for rock.
- - [ Realtile : /realwater /reallava ]
- /title [user] [title] : Adds a title to a user (reserved for Designer+ and must contain original username)
- /award [user] [award] : Awards a user for their deeds.
- /reallyreplaceall [tile1] [tile2] : Replaces all instances of [tile1] on the map with [tile2].
- /executive [user] [reason] : Set user to executive status for the defined reason.
- /setspawn : Sets the default player spawn point where you are standing.

All ranks inherit commands from ranks of a lower status.

/rank [user] [rank]
All Players:
- /help : Brings up this help.
- /who : Shows the current players in the server.
- /me [action] (or *[action]) : Says that you do that action.
- /colors : Shows the rank and equivalent colors.
- /policy : Shows the World of Minecraft policies.
- /appeal : Shows how to file a Spectator Appeal.
- /tiles : Shows the tile names used by the server
- @[user] message: Sends a private message to a user
- - /w [user] message
- - /pm [user] message
- /respawn : Takes you to the spawn point
- /upgrade : Shows how to upgrade from guest to member.
- /spawn : Set your login spawn point to the current location.
- /[Tile] : Places special blocks:
- - [Tile] :[/solid /water /lava /gold /iron /coal /dstair ]
- /tp [user] : Teleport to user.
- /status [user] : See the current status of user. (only players of higher ranks can see your notes)
- /museum [Name] : Goes to archived map:
- - [Name : lakeview, riverside, seabreeze, (etc), exit]
- /lobby : takes you to the lobby (good for transitioning out of museums on a computer with low memory)
- /fill *
- /copy *
- /paste *
- /pyramid *
- /esolid *
- /rollback *
- /place *
- /grant [user] *
- /revoke [user] *
*assigned area only
- /fill [tile] [tile2]* : Fills a region with a certain tile.
- - *If [tile2] is used, it will only fill [tile] over instances of [tile2] in your selected area
- /copy [name] : Copies region into saved file.
- /paste [name] [direction] [flip] [offset] [trans] : Pastes region from saved file.
- - [direction : north, south, east west]
- - [flip : none, flipx, flipy]
- - [offset : number (vertical offset in pixels)]
- - [trans : none, trans (makes air transparent)]
- /mpaste [name] xyz : Pastes region from saved file using mpaste (more info here)
- /continuous [1:0] : Turns continuous pasting and filling on.
- /esolid tile [ solid : sphere ] : Creates an elliptical solid.
- /pyramid [tile] [1:0] : Creates a pyramid with tile.
- /place {tile} [x y z] : Places a tile at your feet or at x y z co-ordinates given.
- /member [user] [reason] : Set user to member status for the defined reason.
- /guest [user] [reason] : Set user to guest status for the defined reason.
- /probation [user] [hours] : Set user to probation status for the defined hours.
- /spectate [user] [reason] : Set user to spectator status for the defined reason.
- /note [user] [message] : Add a note to a user profile.
- /kick [user] : Kick a user from the server.
- /mute [user] : Mute a user for 60 seconds.
- /unmute [user] : Unmute a muted user.
- /silence [user] : Silence a user indefinitely.
- /unsilence [user] : Unsilence a silenced user.
- /bring [user] : Bring user to your location.
- /say [message]: Says message in red, for importance.
- /search [user] : Searches user on the website to see if they are registered.
- /a [message] (or /asay [message] or #[message]) : Talks in admin chat.
- /cloak [1:0] : Makes your player invisible (leaves a still clone wherever /cloak 1 was last used).
- /warn [user]: Prevents a user from building for 60 seconds.
- /unwarn [user]: Unwarns a user.
- /assign [user] : Protects a builder's land from other members.
- /unassign : Unassigns a user's area (You must be in the area).
- - /unassign [user]: Unassigns ALL areas of user.
- /whodid: (Click or Place block) Gets recent logs of that block.
- /monitor mode : Changes the mode and what you see.
- - [ Mode : noground , blank , reset ]
- /undo [user] : Undoes all recent changes by user.
- - /undo [user] preview: Previews what would happen if you used /undo with [user]. To exit, use /monitor exit.
- /replay [user] : Replays all recent changes by user.
- - /replay [user] preview: Previews what would happen if you used /replay with [user]. To exit, use /monitor exit.
- /rollback : Use if you want to revert mass changes.
- /ban [user] [reason] : Kick and ban a user+ip from the server (only applies to guest and spectator ranks)
- /moderator [user] [reason] : Set user to moderator rank for the defined reason.
- /undolastfill [user]: Undoes a user's last fill.
- /designer [user] [reason] : Set user to designer rank for the defined reason.
- /architect [user] [reason] : Set user to architect rank for the defined reason.
- /admin [user] [reason] : Set user to admin rank for the defined reason.
- /[Realtile] : Places realliquids for rock.
- - [ Realtile : /realwater /reallava ]
- /title [user] [title] : Adds a title to a user (reserved for Designer+ and must contain original username)
- /award [user] [award] : Awards a user for their deeds.
- /reallyreplaceall [tile1] [tile2] : Replaces all instances of [tile1] on the map with [tile2].
- /executive [user] [reason] : Set user to executive status for the defined reason.
- /setspawn : Sets the default player spawn point where you are standing.

All ranks inherit commands from ranks of a lower status.

/rank [user] [rank]

Changing Skins !!!

On my second post I will tell you something more about minercaft!

In minecraft you can change your look! How?????Follow my next steps an I will show you how.

Go on the mcskinsearch and simply open minecraft and follow the instructions from the video.

Without Sound.  Sorry...

Hello World.

Hello World.

Have you heard about most played game of the World.
Of course that game is Minecraft.

Here You can find what is popular about this Fabulous Game.

See You.