In this post I will tell you about the commands in minecraft.
So you start by clicking the / key and then typing the command. So here they are:
All Players:
- /help : Brings up this help.
- /who : Shows the current players in the server.
- /me [action] (or *[action]) : Says that you do that action.
- /colors : Shows the rank and equivalent colors.
- /policy : Shows the World of Minecraft policies.
- /appeal : Shows how to file a Spectator Appeal.
- /tiles : Shows the tile names used by the server
- @[user] message: Sends a private message to a user
- - /w [user] message
- - /pm [user] message
- /respawn : Takes you to the spawn point
- /upgrade : Shows how to upgrade from guest to member.
- /spawn : Set your login spawn point to the current location.
- /[Tile] : Places special blocks:
- - [Tile] :[/solid /water /lava /gold /iron /coal /dstair ]
- /tp [user] : Teleport to user.
- /status [user] : See the current status of user. (only players of higher ranks can see your notes)
- /museum [Name] : Goes to archived map:
- - [Name : lakeview, riverside, seabreeze, (etc), exit]
- /lobby : takes you to the lobby (good for transitioning out of museums on a computer with low memory)
- /fill *
- /copy *
- /paste *
- /pyramid *
- /esolid *
- /rollback *
- /place *
- /grant [user] *
- /revoke [user] *
*assigned area only
- /fill [tile] [tile2]* : Fills a region with a certain tile.
- - *If [tile2] is used, it will only fill [tile] over instances of [tile2] in your selected area
- /copy [name] : Copies region into saved file.
- /paste [name] [direction] [flip] [offset] [trans] : Pastes region from saved file.
- - [direction : north, south, east west]
- - [flip : none, flipx, flipy]
- - [offset : number (vertical offset in pixels)]
- - [trans : none, trans (makes air transparent)]
- /mpaste [name] xyz : Pastes region from saved file using mpaste (more info here)
- /continuous [1:0] : Turns continuous pasting and filling on.
- /esolid tile [ solid : sphere ] : Creates an elliptical solid.
- /pyramid [tile] [1:0] : Creates a pyramid with tile.
- /place {tile} [x y z] : Places a tile at your feet or at x y z co-ordinates given.
- /member [user] [reason] : Set user to member status for the defined reason.
- /guest [user] [reason] : Set user to guest status for the defined reason.
- /probation [user] [hours] : Set user to probation status for the defined hours.
- /spectate [user] [reason] : Set user to spectator status for the defined reason.
- /note [user] [message] : Add a note to a user profile.
- /kick [user] : Kick a user from the server.
- /mute [user] : Mute a user for 60 seconds.
- /unmute [user] : Unmute a muted user.
- /silence [user] : Silence a user indefinitely.
- /unsilence [user] : Unsilence a silenced user.
- /bring [user] : Bring user to your location.
- /say [message]: Says message in red, for importance.
- /search [user] : Searches user on the website to see if they are registered.
- /a [message] (or /asay [message] or #[message]) : Talks in admin chat.
- /cloak [1:0] : Makes your player invisible (leaves a still clone wherever /cloak 1 was last used).
- /warn [user]: Prevents a user from building for 60 seconds.
- /unwarn [user]: Unwarns a user.
- /assign [user] : Protects a builder's land from other members.
- /unassign : Unassigns a user's area (You must be in the area).
- - /unassign [user]: Unassigns ALL areas of user.
- /whodid: (Click or Place block) Gets recent logs of that block.
- /monitor mode : Changes the mode and what you see.
- - [ Mode : noground , blank , reset ]
- /undo [user] : Undoes all recent changes by user.
- - /undo [user] preview: Previews what would happen if you used /undo with [user]. To exit, use /monitor exit.
- /replay [user] : Replays all recent changes by user.
- - /replay [user] preview: Previews what would happen if you used /replay with [user]. To exit, use /monitor exit.
- /rollback : Use if you want to revert mass changes.
- /ban [user] [reason] : Kick and ban a user+ip from the server (only applies to guest and spectator ranks)
- /moderator [user] [reason] : Set user to moderator rank for the defined reason.
- /undolastfill [user]: Undoes a user's last fill.
- /designer [user] [reason] : Set user to designer rank for the defined reason.
- /architect [user] [reason] : Set user to architect rank for the defined reason.
- /admin [user] [reason] : Set user to admin rank for the defined reason.
- /[Realtile] : Places realliquids for rock.
- - [ Realtile : /realwater /reallava ]
- /title [user] [title] : Adds a title to a user (reserved for Designer+ and must contain original username)
- /award [user] [award] : Awards a user for their deeds.
- /reallyreplaceall [tile1] [tile2] : Replaces all instances of [tile1] on the map with [tile2].
- /executive [user] [reason] : Set user to executive status for the defined reason.
- /setspawn : Sets the default player spawn point where you are standing.
All ranks inherit commands from ranks of a lower status.
/rank [user] [rank]
All Players:
- /help : Brings up this help.
- /who : Shows the current players in the server.
- /me [action] (or *[action]) : Says that you do that action.
- /colors : Shows the rank and equivalent colors.
- /policy : Shows the World of Minecraft policies.
- /appeal : Shows how to file a Spectator Appeal.
- /tiles : Shows the tile names used by the server
- @[user] message: Sends a private message to a user
- - /w [user] message
- - /pm [user] message
- /respawn : Takes you to the spawn point
- /upgrade : Shows how to upgrade from guest to member.
- /spawn : Set your login spawn point to the current location.
- /[Tile] : Places special blocks:
- - [Tile] :[/solid /water /lava /gold /iron /coal /dstair ]
- /tp [user] : Teleport to user.
- /status [user] : See the current status of user. (only players of higher ranks can see your notes)
- /museum [Name] : Goes to archived map:
- - [Name : lakeview, riverside, seabreeze, (etc), exit]
- /lobby : takes you to the lobby (good for transitioning out of museums on a computer with low memory)
- /fill *
- /copy *
- /paste *
- /pyramid *
- /esolid *
- /rollback *
- /place *
- /grant [user] *
- /revoke [user] *
*assigned area only
- /fill [tile] [tile2]* : Fills a region with a certain tile.
- - *If [tile2] is used, it will only fill [tile] over instances of [tile2] in your selected area
- /copy [name] : Copies region into saved file.
- /paste [name] [direction] [flip] [offset] [trans] : Pastes region from saved file.
- - [direction : north, south, east west]
- - [flip : none, flipx, flipy]
- - [offset : number (vertical offset in pixels)]
- - [trans : none, trans (makes air transparent)]
- /mpaste [name] xyz : Pastes region from saved file using mpaste (more info here)
- /continuous [1:0] : Turns continuous pasting and filling on.
- /esolid tile [ solid : sphere ] : Creates an elliptical solid.
- /pyramid [tile] [1:0] : Creates a pyramid with tile.
- /place {tile} [x y z] : Places a tile at your feet or at x y z co-ordinates given.
- /member [user] [reason] : Set user to member status for the defined reason.
- /guest [user] [reason] : Set user to guest status for the defined reason.
- /probation [user] [hours] : Set user to probation status for the defined hours.
- /spectate [user] [reason] : Set user to spectator status for the defined reason.
- /note [user] [message] : Add a note to a user profile.
- /kick [user] : Kick a user from the server.
- /mute [user] : Mute a user for 60 seconds.
- /unmute [user] : Unmute a muted user.
- /silence [user] : Silence a user indefinitely.
- /unsilence [user] : Unsilence a silenced user.
- /bring [user] : Bring user to your location.
- /say [message]: Says message in red, for importance.
- /search [user] : Searches user on the website to see if they are registered.
- /a [message] (or /asay [message] or #[message]) : Talks in admin chat.
- /cloak [1:0] : Makes your player invisible (leaves a still clone wherever /cloak 1 was last used).
- /warn [user]: Prevents a user from building for 60 seconds.
- /unwarn [user]: Unwarns a user.
- /assign [user] : Protects a builder's land from other members.
- /unassign : Unassigns a user's area (You must be in the area).
- - /unassign [user]: Unassigns ALL areas of user.
- /whodid: (Click or Place block) Gets recent logs of that block.
- /monitor mode : Changes the mode and what you see.
- - [ Mode : noground , blank , reset ]
- /undo [user] : Undoes all recent changes by user.
- - /undo [user] preview: Previews what would happen if you used /undo with [user]. To exit, use /monitor exit.
- /replay [user] : Replays all recent changes by user.
- - /replay [user] preview: Previews what would happen if you used /replay with [user]. To exit, use /monitor exit.
- /rollback : Use if you want to revert mass changes.
- /ban [user] [reason] : Kick and ban a user+ip from the server (only applies to guest and spectator ranks)
- /moderator [user] [reason] : Set user to moderator rank for the defined reason.
- /undolastfill [user]: Undoes a user's last fill.
- /designer [user] [reason] : Set user to designer rank for the defined reason.
- /architect [user] [reason] : Set user to architect rank for the defined reason.
- /admin [user] [reason] : Set user to admin rank for the defined reason.
- /[Realtile] : Places realliquids for rock.
- - [ Realtile : /realwater /reallava ]
- /title [user] [title] : Adds a title to a user (reserved for Designer+ and must contain original username)
- /award [user] [award] : Awards a user for their deeds.
- /reallyreplaceall [tile1] [tile2] : Replaces all instances of [tile1] on the map with [tile2].
- /executive [user] [reason] : Set user to executive status for the defined reason.
- /setspawn : Sets the default player spawn point where you are standing.
All ranks inherit commands from ranks of a lower status.
/rank [user] [rank]
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